This weekend, Eric and I (and Alaina) went shopping for new furniture for our living room. The furniture we currently have is hand-me-down from his parents next door neighbors. They gave it to us 4 years ago and who knows how long they had it before that. It has served us well and we are grateful for all the naps and t.v. watching that has taken place on it's lovely blue cushions. However, it was time to be grown-ups and buy some grown-up furniture.
We were looking for a 3 cushion sofa and a recliner or over sized chair with an ottoman. We would love a sectional but it just doesn't work in the set up of our living room.
We first ventured to Value City Furniture. No such luck. We thought we might hit a jackpot since we bought our bedroom furniture there when we were first married and they have such great deals, but it didn't happen. We are on a budget people! Can't be spending frivolously!
We then went over to Wicks...sad to say Wicks is out of business. We wondered why there were no cars in the parking lot!
Next stop, La-Z-Boy. Eric was very interested in getting a recliner and possibly a reclining sofa We found a few items that were nice and could have worked but we still weren't 100%.
Next, we went to the mall. We had a few other errands to run there and actually found a furniture store in the mall. We found a couch, chair and ottoman that we really liked and it came with a deal where you could also get a coffee table, 2 end tables, 2 lamps and 4 accessory pieces for X amount of money. It was quite a steal. We were a little iffy seeing as it was kind of a no name place randomly found in the mall. But we tucked it in the back of our brains.
As we left the mall there was one more place Eric wanted to go, The Room Place, but Alaina was getting hungry and fussy and I thought it was best that we just went home. He decided to just run in real quick while we stayed in the car. He came back about 10 minutes later and told me I had to come in. He showed me two different options that he like and I liked them both! (Which in and of itself is pretty shocking for us to completely agree on something as significant as living room furniture--we don't share the same sense of style a lot of times!)
The first set was fabulous. The material was something like I'd never felt as though you were sitting on a big fleece blanket! The problem was that it also looked like you were sitting on a big fleece blanket and it only came in one color which could have worked but I wasn't sold on it. If we're dishing out that much money on furniture I wantedt to be in LOVE with it!
The second set was equally as fabulous and a much better color with more elegance that the aforementioned furniture. It had an over sized chair with an ottoman. Eric and I can both sit on the chair together with room to spare. The couch is deep. Eric wasn't sold on the couch because he felt weird siting in it with his feet dangling but the salesman showed him that's it's not so much a couch that you sit "on" but that you sit "into."
As we sat upon the cushions at the Room Place I fed Alaina a bottle to hold her over and we talked about the pros and cons of the furniture while Art, the sale mans hovered over us inserting his bits of knowledge. (A quick bio on Art, the salesman at the Room Place: An overweight, diabetic latin man with a large gap in his front teeth. Proud grandpa of 10 grandchildren and he just found out last week that his daughter is going to have a another baby in February. Why in the world did his daughter wait a month out from her due date to tell her dad she was pregnant? I think we know way too much about Art.)
Anyway, the Room Place was offering a similar deal as the store in the mall, only it was 7 pieces for X amount of money. They were offering, the couch and chair, coffee table, 2 end tables and 2 lamps for X amount of money and we would have to pay for the ottoman on top of that. If we were in the market for the table, end tables and lamp it might have been worth it but we were really just interested in the couch, chair and ottoman. We decided to forgo the "deal"and get the items we truly wanted and needed.
And with that, Eric signed on the dotted line and tomorrow the furniture will be delivered to our home. (Minus the ottoman which they did not have in stock and will be here early next week.)
The pictures below are from the website and don't really do the furniture justice. It looks really green and it's more of a tan color. When the furniture gets here I'll post new pictures.
Yes, I realize I've been rambling about furniture for a while now but this is an exciting day in the Wood household that I'm quite excited about.

Beautiful! Love it! I love that your set was from his parents NEXT DOOR NEIGHBORS! How fun! Maybe you could give your old furniture to your parents next door neighbors?
Sal, you are perfectly justified in being excited! New furniture is a big step! How grown-up do you feel, huh? It actually looks a lot like our grown-up furniture. And you're shopping at a good time--economy's not great, so obviously good deals. I'll be checking to see the new pics. :)
Simply GORGEOUS sofa set!! I wanna pick this one!! It's on my wish list!!
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