
I'm just not that interesting...

There's a phenomenon...okay maybe phenomenon is not the right word...let's start over. There's a fad going around on facebook where people write 25 interesting things about yourself, tag a bunch of your friends and if you are tagged you are supposed to do the same. I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I think it is really intriguing to read all of these. People have led some really interesting lives! So...with that said I am going to attempt to be interesting. Without further ado I give you...

25 Interesting Things About Sally Mae Wood
  1. I think the T.V. show friends is the greatest show ever and could watch it all day everyday! I love to quote it with other people who know what I'm talking about. I often think of Friends quotes in day to day conversation and have to restrain myself from quoting because I know the person I am talking to won't understand. Luckily my husband shares my affinity for this show.
  2. I love pop. I know I don't drink enough water but love the taste of the fizzy in my mouth. Sometimes when I wake up in the night and am thirsty I have to force myself to get a glass of water and not open a can of pop. Weird, I know.
  3. I am terrible at math...absolutely terrible. In 10th grade I made a deal with my geometry teacher. I would grade all his tests and quizzes and enter his grades if he would allow me not to do any work and give me a C in the class. For some reason he agreed to it.
  4. I played softball until my senior year in high school. I was very loud and obnoxious in my cheering. I played 3rd base because I had a strong arm. No one on my team wanted to warm up with me because it hurt their hand when I threw the ball to them and the ball hit their glove. When I was in grade school I was on a softball team called The Little Mermaids and our uniforms were green and white with a picture of Ariel on the front. Ferocious, I know. I was always #5.
  5. I'm an average singer. I can sing well enough to not be terrible not but quite good enough to be confident. It's only in the last few years that I've learned how to harmonize and even now I don't always hit the right note and it hurts my ears.
  6. I was on homecoming court in high school and college and didn't win either time.
  7. My mom made me get braces my senior year of high school because she thought it would help my lisp. I got them off after my freshman year of college. It did not help my lisp. My teeth were straight before I got braces and looked the same when I got them off.
  8. I love my dad's cooking, especially his biscuits and gravy and his homemade cinnamon rolls.
  9. Cooking is therapeutic for me. I like to try new recipes and find it fulfilling when Eric loves something that I cook and wants me to make it again. I especially love making soups. Eric wants me to open a restaurant and even made a menu for it the other day.
  10. My love languages are definitely physical touch and words of affirmation.
  11. In high school I was voted "friendliest."
  12. I only went to one dance in high school--my choice--and hated it! I felt awkward and uncomfortable the whole time and couldn't wait for it to be over.
  13. I moved schools in 2nd grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 9th grade and my parents moved again when I was in college.
  14. I really loved Trolls when I was younger. This was bordering obsessive. One time when I was asleep my brother and sister came in and told me they were going to flush my trolls down the toilet and I began to sob.
  15. My sister used to make me do crazy things and I would do them because I wanted to be just like her. She is two years older than me and when I was in 3rd grade she made up a password that I had to say anytime I wanted to enter the same room that she was in..."Open Sesame Street Elmo" was what I was required to say if you were dying to know. One time she had a sleepover and and her friends put Vick's Vapor Rub and Q-tips in my hair while I was sleeping but I didn't know it and went to church that way. Obviously, I didn't look in the mirror before I left the house back then. I have a million other stories of her torturing me but we'll stop there.
  16. I was in brownies when I was younger. All my friends were in Daisy's prior to Brownies, except for me. I ended up going to the ceremony where they move the Daisy's up to the Brownies with my friend's family because my family couldn't make it. You were required to walk across a bridge to signify that you were crossing over and then recite the girl scout pledge at the end. I, however did not know what I was supposed to recite since I was not in Daisy's and instead of saying the pledge I proceeded to say "Mirror mirror on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all?" Needless to say, they did not allow me to cross over and I was mortified.
  17. My mom was in a horrific car accident in 2004 and almost died. She broke pretty much every bone in her body and had to relearn how to do everything, including walk. She also suffered minor brain damage. She was in ICU for 2 weeks and then a rehabiliation center for 5 months. Although she will never be completely the same, she is my hero and I am so proud of her.
  18. While my mom was in ICU, Eric and I were dating. He stayed with me the whole time and my dad would introduce him as my "future fiancee." Anyway, my mom had huge braces on her legs with large metal rods holding her legs in place because they were both so severely broken in several spots. One time Eric and I were in there visiting with her and she called Eric over and asked him to take her panty hose off because they were uncomfortable. If she wasn't under heavy sedation it could have been a very awkward situation. Instead, it was just hilarious!
  19. I don't like onions but love onion rings...okay I technically only eat the breading and leave the onion but it is so delicious. Culvers has the best onion rings breading ever!
  20. I thoroughly enjoy spicy cheetos.
  21. I'm not always the greatest friend. Especially when it comes to keeping in touch. I've moved a lot in my life and find it difficult to keep in touch with old friends while at the same time trying to manifest new and meaningful friendships.
  22. The older I get the more introverted I am becoming.
  23. I became a first time mom in September and love it! My daughter's name is Alaina Mae. She shares her middle name with me and with my grandmother who was Sudie Mae. Eric and I came up with her name from a contestant on American Idol last season.
  24. Living in Flint, MI in middle school were some of the greatest times with some of the greatest people. Shout out to the Turners, Krings & Martins!
  25. I am a blanket snob. I love blankets and hate it if they are too thin or too small. I am obsessed with being warm. I travel around our house with the space heater and we keep our thermostat set at 75 because if I'm cold, I'm cranky. Eric and I have a dual electric blanket on our bed. He never turns his on and my side is on high from October -April.


Christine said...

Tee hee, these were fun to read. I agree, I'm secretly enjoying this phenomenon. Keep up the good blogging!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness!! I am dying! You are so funny!! You are the friendliest, introverted Ariel I know!! My favorite is no. #14...The trolls!!!! Oh, and "Open Sesame Street Elmo"...I love you Sally!

revmac said...

that was beautiful

bonanza said...

OK, so you posted this months ago and I'm just reading it now. However - how can you possibly think you're not interesting? These were FANTASTIC!!!!!